Saturday, April 07, 2012

Faithless for Now

Fer Crissakes, make me a believer!

Hew my hate in halves for splicing.

Give me
exponential growth of ire
that'll ne'er
or nigh expire.

Groom my most gruesome,
egregious, gut-born bile of
proud prejudice into
crude, for profit,
ultimate unctuousness.

Egg Yolk Daybreak

A bombast of sun
greets the dream-drunk fool.

Sleep's been thrashed thoroughly.

Crowds of careening clownish, cartoons
populated the place-
some blown about by rash winds,
others abruptly absorbed by
quaking, liquefacted lands.

Consciousness gurgles up
through slumber's
punctured, enveloping membrane,
leaves him groping, grimacing
graceless toward
where the windmills whir.

Charlie's Blues

Two score four to choose

thisthatother ...

embrace, eschew.

for angst avoidance
scrawled scrupulously
on stained scraps
tucked into
charcoal sketchbooks of
Sodom and Gomorrah.

Native hue,

sad as a


fur-felt fedora.