Sunday, February 20, 2005

The Homophone Hokey Pokey

Open Mic/Mike

microphone: an aural tool,
distant relative to the conch
and megaphone,
capable of catalyzing
tympan rending feedback.

promoter of phobia
in some cases;
in others a cause for
phallocentric mimicries.

primarily a way to bring
the voice of one
to the ear of another;
thus, a promoter of intimacies.

a steely florescence,
the stamen/pistil both,
a flower abuzz, aquiver,
its life's blood
a sub-atomic river,
a fount of unrealized honey
all await for voice.

michael: like god, el,
etymologically speaking.
ostensible warrior for The Source
going toe-to-toe with satan.
(who looks like certain popes
in certain battle-graphic paintings.)

let's put his sword aside,
pry this archangel open,
flay him in a most modern,
forensic manner.
i'm talking scapels
and rib-spreaders...

an intimate innard exploration
toward some anything unlike
old testament vengefulness;
a perhaps thing

of strength-
but petal/vulva soft
and full-bloomed beneath
the battle-riven breastplate.

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