Sunday, February 26, 2006

Timepiece: An Exorcise In Clockwatching

The clock don't tic nor toc no more.
Those days are long gone by.

Thus, this puddle of liquid crystal
encased in plastic,
precisely bedside placed,
atomically attuned.

Your head,
replete with raw-red orbs
in their worry-wrung sockets,
stuffed with another stultifying
insomniac night of jangled nerves
watched the seven segment readouts
go six-zero-zero- ante meridian.

It, so to speak, struck.

It's alarming hour arrived while you,
stricken and recently relapsed
into a chicken hearted addiction
to self-indulgent wound licking
decide, on the instant,
with a resolve resembling pluck,
to a boot-strap yanking exit from
the slack-souled, sickening suck
of that stagnant, cognitive swamp
of meandering mind-muck.

The instantaneity of eternity
was most poignantly present there,
(most unlike something like luck)
while you got your sorry ass
from out your bed and French Pressed
some good, strong coffee,
hummed a modest meditation
on rubber-tree moving ants,
saw the morning light lazily bathe
the unwitting world yet again.

Said light
seeming to reveal
the least of things to be
abundantly abuzz within-
all aglow, agleam,
and you (so real),
and me and
human too.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Insipid Inseams

The tailor seemed to be on the make,
he licked his damned,
thin-lipped chops
far too demonstratively;
it bordered on lascivious.

The fact the he was a lispy flame
didn't so much bother me as the
duration with the tape measure
tucked into my groin
making his inseam measure.
That and the stupid-ass,
flappy-eyelid eye contact
which accompanied it.


The post procedure
vasectomy tenderness
was none of his business.
It would have been doubly
awkward in the explaining
considering I was being
fitted for a wedding tux
and have always wanted children.

Besides, I have always over explained
and am trying to wean myself of this habit.
I'm failing, as you can see.

Point is-
I think I've made up
my mind not to marry.

That whole tailor scene
being so seamlessly insipid.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Candy Colored

The dream, replete with queenly grace, awakes
to find it's foremost face opposed to dawn's
indifferent, brilliant bright tucked behind lake
mists all thick and bold. The Sandman's done drawn
a mandala, refined for all it's sleep
depravity; deliciousness itself
considering the risen winds (from deep
within the sea's throat sore) which blast and pelt
(with bitter rains) the intricate figure
toward oblivion's salty, farthest
shore. Sunlight isn't requisite; insures
the easy (only) elements are fast
devoured by the agitated eyes
of the luckless- blind to the shadow's prize.