Wednesday, September 26, 2007


The early evening
reaped him easily.

The moon, a waxing,
blood-tinged sickle,
sharpened with sun-born,
reflected glory, cleft him cleanly
from the mundane cogitations
clotting his brain's hypoxic byways;
left him leaning, heaving anemically
toward night's darkly clenched thighs,
challenged in his amateurish ascetic attitudes
by a strong, submarine, tidal insistence.

A recent divestiture of electronics,
finances and furniture dizzied him
drastically then with unaccustomed lightness,
encouraged him toward high praise-

and the first thing that caught his
darting mind's agitated eye was
the slender-sweet scimitar of a moon;
her borrowed brightness.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Current Event

Raised he then the rent rag.

White it was with the
resignation of one
whose peace is won
by a distaste for killing conflicts.

Piped with hopeful green
it flapped, forlorn and fine
in a tired, tumid wind.

His face, a map of desolation
lined without laughter,
of peurile pride deflated,
was weatherbeaten,
though undefeated.

Charles rowed and rowed,
with the current now,
whistled low and wanly,
verily unvanquished,
yet not merrily, merrily.