Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A Voice for Vows

Cassius squinted squarely
Into the sun-glarey sea.

Scuffing with his boot
and idly reviewing was he
the patch of grass
upon which he’d soon be wed.

It seemed a goodly enough piece of earth,
where one might bleed for love,
Honor and glory;
make oaths that one could easily keep
owing to their proximity to ultimate truths.

These things did simple seem
and always had for our disheveled lad
as he stood there listing notably to port,
cogitating on statistics quoted
in some bloody divorce-rate report.

Swigged he then from a flask deftly
slipped from his ragged coat pocket
and whispered he into the wind…

composing with his mind and breath and art
a line or three to offer to his maiden’s heart.