Wednesday, September 18, 2013

" In Timisoara then..."

An old love came-

All jangly/slinky,

mock innocent and sultry

back into my life.

Was like watchin' a rerun
ya can't resist.

I relaxed into it,
knowing the intricacies
and contradictions
in plot and character...
diggin' it all real deep
with that revisiting vigor.

Both jaded,
we greenly desired the
sick self-interest,
the mini-Machiavellian schemes
of our fat and flatulent egos,
grown beyond merely tiresome,
be slain.

It was life threatening.
For me, at least.

The flatulence, that is.

Riffing on a jazzy theme
we'd composed decades hence
we decided to abandon our lives,
meet one another on a train
in another world.

There'd been a list of cities,

and we ticked them off
with our petty objections,
one by one, til but one was left.

Then, through sly, sloppy/silly grins
we, in unison, said...


NCBronte said...

Can't help it, I love your writing style... a trip through experience sans the fluff and filled with the real smell of the thing! You are wide open and fearless in your story telling, usually revealing and giving up a piece of yourself. You have an awesome soul. Your work is always moving, never still, with a cocky gait and no regret! I've always said you should write lyrics! I really, really like this!

NCBronte said...

Can't help it, I love your writing style... a trip through experience sans the fluff an filled with the real smell of the thing! You are wide open and fearless in your story telling, usually revealing and giving up a piece of yourself. You have an awesome soul. Your work is always moving, never still, with a cocky gait and no regret! I've always said you should write lyrics! I really, really like this!